
2015. január 6., kedd

Neuschwanstein Castle

This place is fabolous, literally.
The Neuschwanstein Castle is about 2 hours away by train from Munich. From Schwangau, a bus takes visitors to a certain point of the mountain, from where you have to climb.
I studied about the castle at the uni, that it was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria, as an honour to the composer Richard Wagner, the construction lasted until 1886. Its style follows the taste of the era, it revives different classical styles, including Romanesque and Gothic.
We took part in a guided tour inside the castle: I remember so well the artificial grotto 'cause it was so surprising! Many beautiful adorned halls and corridors, I loved it, and from the terrace you have a breathtaking panorama to the neighbouring Alpsee lake and the surrounding mountains.
Next to the castle there is a waterfall and a little narrow bridge over it.
Fun fact is that the castle influenced Disney's Sleeping Beauty Castle and therefore the Disney logo itself. Fabolous, I told you ;)
Date: April 2011

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