
2017. március 14., kedd


Left column: the entrance of Castello Sforza, the fountain in front of the Castello and the Teatro alla Scala.
Center column: Duomo by night and the entrance of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle II from the rooftop of the Duomo. Right column: Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle II, the interior of the Galleria and the bull mosaic

This postcard was sent by me upon my arrival to my new home for a year. I went on Erasmus exchange to Milan, Italy. Initially it was supposed to be only one semester but I enjoyed it so much I extended the scholarship for the entire academic year.

By that time I'd known Italy pretty much: I learnt Italian, I travelled around the country, been to Rome three times but I had a blank space in my knowledge and it was this city 'cause I'd never been there before.
I was very excited to arrive, my father drove me by car and helped me moving there. I had a picture in mind how Milan would look like, I was expecting the typical Italian streets and atmosphere which I'd had seen before. In the contrary, we've arrived to a city which looks much more like my hometown Budapest. I realized the Habsburg Monarchy and the vicinity of the Northern bordering countries made their impact on the urban landscape of Milan so much it became a non-typical Italian metropolis.

Though the city has vibe and charm and I'll always like it because I spent a very good year here making lot of dear friends with who we're still in touch and every now and then visiting each other :)

I can tell it was a very abundant year regarding postcard collecting 'cause Erasmus people do travel alot :)

Date: October 2012

3 megjegyzés:

  1. It was a wonderful and busy year of you! You are really lucky and I a little bit jealous.

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