
2016. január 30., szombat

Mount Rushmore

The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is my personal favourite. I was saying many times that this or that place is unique or distinctive, but the Mount Rushmore truly is. 
This mountain sculpture was purposely designed to promote tourism in the Black Hills mountain range in South Dakota. I'm a bit sad, 'cause it wasn't mentioned during my history of art studies, though it is an important sculptural artwork of it's kind.
The original idea of carving famous people of American history into the mountains belongs to a historian named Doane Robinson. Gutzon Borglum Danish-American sculptor was commissioned to carry out the project. Mount Rushmore was chosen for it's fine granite rock and the construction began in 1927. Borglum originally wanted to depict the four presidents from head to waist (there are archive photos showing original design carved out in a model) but due to the lack of funding, the figures remained only heads. Gutzon Borglum died in 1941, hence his son Lincoln took over the construction which ended eventually in October 1941.
There is another mountain sculpture in the region which doesn't have the same fame as th Mount Rushmore memorial. It's the Crazy Horse depicting a Lakota Indian warrior riding a horse and pointing with one hand into the distance.

From: T. A.
Date: July 2012

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