
2014. november 16., vasárnap

The Most Famous Temples

A lovely card from Egypt, I like this compilation, it's pleasure to take a look on this postcard :)

From: S. Zs.
Date: November 2009


The Salamon tower

Visegrád is a historical place situated north to Budapest in the Danube Bend. It had military importance in the medieval times as a castle and fortification. It is a popular tourist destination among Hungarians, 'cause you can take a walk in the nature, study some history and not to mention the breathtaking view to the Danube and the whole landscape.

From: T. A.
Date: August 2009

San Pietro and the popes

During our Roman vacation we walked through the endless collection of the Musei Vaticani that can be compared in largeness only with the Louvre.

Date: July 2009


The Louvre and the glass pyramid

The Glass Pyramid is a modern contrast to the historical grand palace of the Louvre. It was designed by I. M. Pei, a Chinese-American architect. The big pyramid, which serves as the entrance to the museum is surrounded by three smaller pyramids. The construction was completed in 1989.

From: T. A.
Date: July 2009

2014. november 11., kedd


If you have already read my post about Siófok, than I don't have to introduce lake Balaton. 
Balatonfüred is the 'capital city' of the northern shore. There is a big opposition between Füred and Siófok, 'cause Füred mocks at Siófok for being such a 'Jersey shore style' city and Siófok strikes back that Füred is expensive, it's the city of the bourgeois and there's not even a good beach there 'cause the water level is high.

In fact, Füred is a more cultural place, has the tradition of wine festivals, concerts, events and the many elegant villas built in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The most notables are the resort house of actress Lujza Blaha, and the resort house of writer Mór Jókai. One of the most important rehabilitation institutes of the country, the Hospital of Cardiology is in Füred.
The port opens a mesmerizing view to the lake.

From: P. M.
Date: August 2009

2014. november 10., hétfő

Vacation in Rome

We went on a five day-long vacation to Rome with my then boyfriend in July 2009. I proposed to go there 'cause he had never been before. We walked everywhere in the city during the day and enjoyed the nights in the piazzas of city. It was damn hot that week, I think 40 degrees, I was dying.
We have friends in Rome and they invited us to dinners which were fabulous, one in a hidden restaurant called 'The Fox's Den' (Tana della Volpe) and once in their home.
Since then, I miss Rome and I feel the urge to travel there. I know I'm going to return soon :)

Il Colosseo
Forum Romanum
Castel Sant'Angelo
Piazza di Spagna
Fontana di Trevi
Monumento Vittorio Emanuelle II

Date: July 2009

2014. november 9., vasárnap


The Munich City Hall

Munich is the capital of Bavaria, the southern state of Germany. 
It's relatively close to my country, easily approachable by car, so it's a popular destination among Hungarians.

From: S. Zs.
Date: 2009

A greeting from Halmstad

Translation: A greeting from Halmstad

Halmstad is a city on the western coast of Sweden. 
I like this postcard 'cause it's as cheerful and it remembers me to my friend who brought it :)

From: M. B.
Date: April 2009


The Duomo

Florence is another Italian city that is a must to visit. I've been there when I was 8 years old, but I wish to return to see it again through the eyes now of an art historian.

During the history of Italy, it was always the second most important city after Rome. It's a bit complicated since Italy never existed as a whole before the unification in 1861.
Firenze was an autonomous city-state, a political and cultural center.

Many world-famous artists lived and/or worked here such as Giotto, Donatello, Leonardo or Michelangelo. 

Modern Italian language originates from Florence thanks to Dante's Divine Comedy.

The cathedral (duomo in Italian) is a magnificent symbol of the city.
The construction started under the supervision of Arnolfo di Cambio in 1296 but it lasted for more than a century and later it became one with the name of Filippo Brunnelleschi the architect who managed to finish the construction in 1436. Brunnelleschi solved the problem of structuring the enormous dome to support its height. The duomo is the perfect example of the Renessaince architecture.

From: T. A.
Date: June 2008

2014. november 8., szombat

Back to Prague

My favourite, the Astronomical Clock

Another nice view of the Charles Bridge and the Castle

The Wenceslas Square and the National Museum

Date: June - July 2008

Treasures from Karlovy Vary

In the summer of 2008, we made a 'farewell-trip' with our high school class to Czech Republic: we visited Mariánské Lázně (there is a 'singing fountain'), Karlovy Vary and Prague.

Karlovy Vary is the hometown of the famous Czech liqueur, the Becherovka. It's a digestive with a taste like a mix of ginger and cinnamon - we agreed with all my friends that it tastes like Christmas. Everyone has experiences during their teens with Becherovka. It has been produced since 1807.

So, the original factory is in Karlovy Vary, a spa town situated in the Western part of the country. The town is the venue of the eponym Film Festival, at the time we visited, they were prepairing the site of the festival. 

The Becherovka factory has a museum. where we went on a tour to know how the gingerbread liqueur is produced. At the end of the tour, you can taste different types of Becherovka. We had the original, another one called Aperitiv KV 14 and the Cordial. The second one, I didn't like, 'cause it was so bitter for me I couldn't enjoy at all. The KV 14 signifies Karlovy Vary and its fourteen springs. But the Cordial. The Cordial was fabolous. It had a taste like honey. I loved it. Since then, I regret not buying any bottle 'cause it's impossible to buy, actually I don't understand why they don't sell this type on market.  

I bought these lovely cards in the museum, they are old commercial posters of Becherovka.

The original Becherovka of Karlovy Vary
since 1807
the best digestive liqueur
Karlovy Vary is Karlsbad in German

Date: June - July 2008

Nei Pori

Palace of Rhodes

Even though, it's overly photoshopped, I like the vivid colours of this postcard.
It gives back the atmosphere of this small coastal village where my friend went to spend her vacations.

From: R. J.
Date: October 2007

2014. november 7., péntek


In the March of 2007 we made a long-weekend trip with my friends to Prague. It's a really lovely city, with a medieval atmosphere. The culture of beer is reigning over everything. 

The Old Town Square

On the Town Hall, there is the Astronomical Clock, my personal favourite of Prague. In the backdrop the beautiful Gothic Týn Church can be seen.

The Charles Bridge and the Castle with the Saint Vitus Cathedral
Charles Bridges crosses over the Vltava river. It was named after King Charles IV who initiated it's construction that started in 1357 and finished in 1402.

The Castle always had a historical importance, it dates back until the 9th century, It is officially the largest old castle in the world. The Castle incorporates the Gothic stlye Saint Vitus Cathedral which was built in the 14th century.

Date: March 2007

Roma, la città eterna

Of course we couldn't miss Rome during this high school trip. Rome is my big love, I've been to the city three times, this was my second time. It's essential to everyone to visit this city 'cause it's history, art and beauty at the same time.

I love the stlye of these postcards.

Piazza Navona
Castel Sant'Angelo used to be the Mausoleum of Emperor Hadrian

Date: September - October 2006

Il paradiso: L'isola di Capri

The Villa San Michele in the upper left corner, the Piazetta in the lower left and the Grotta Azzurra in the middle

In the end of September and the beginning of October of 2006, we made a high school trip to South Italy (We studied Italian).
I can tell you, the places we visited are some of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. Naples, Pompeii, Sorrento, Positano and so... and the Capri Island.

It's a paradise: the beautiful sea, the groves, the houses. There are two towns on the island: Capri and Anacapri.

Off the northwestern coast there is a cave in the sea called the Blue Grotto. The sunlight passes through the entrance of the cave and illuminates its inside with the azure reflection of the sea. Tourists could go inside by row-boats until recently, 'cause the rising sea level makes it dangerous to go inside now.
Such a beautiful place, I was lucky I could go inside.

The other main sight of the island is the Villa San Michele, a villa built around the 1900s by a Swedish physician. The villa has a gorgeous garden (loggia) and a breathtaking view to the Capri harbour. He knew something, right?

Date: September - October 2006


The White Tower

Thessaloniki is a city the second largest city after Athens, situated in the North.
The ancient city was established in 315 BC by Cassandra, the sister of Alexander the Great. It was the part of the Macedonian Kingdom.

My relative who spent her Erasmus semester here sent me this card. She wrote she enjoyed taking walks in the harbour :)

From: D. É.
Date: October 2005

Paris, Mon Amour

Classic view of Paris
It's simply Paris... nothing to add! It's just the first from my many Paris postcards :)

From: T. L.
Date: November 2005

The Swedish Post apologizes

All apologies

This postcard has a real story. My elementary school form-teacher sent it to me when he was spending his vacation in Stockholm.

The postcard arrived in an envelope with an official note from the Swedish Post 'cause my card had been torn. Not only they fixed it, but they also apologized for the damage. Thank you for being so kind with me Swedish Post! <3

From: T. L.
Date: July 2005


You think that I may be joking... but not, it's true, this is actually a name of a little village in Wales, located in the Anglesey island. The population is aprox. 3000.

Llanfair­pwllgwyn­gyllgo­gery­chwyrn­drobwll­llanty­silio­gogo­goch has the longest place name in Europe and the second longest in planet Earth.

The meaning is: "St. Mary's church in the hollow of the white hazel near to the fierce whirlpool and the church of St. Tysilio of the red cave."

The name was willingly invented for tourist attraction and their purpose succeeded. Many tourists come here even to take a look only, to believe their own eyes.

Date: April 2003


Conwy is a town at the northern coast of Wales. It has a medieval castle and fortification constructed by Edward I of England between 1283-89. The defensive walls are 2 kilometer long.

Date: April 2003


The South Stack lighthouse and puffins

Anglesey is an island off the north coast of Wales, the biggest of the country. It's connected to the mainland with two bridges.
Plas Newydd the castle like estate is one of the main sights of the island.
The cliffs of Anglesey serve as nesting places for many bird species including the cute little puffins you can see on the postcard.

Date: April 2003

Cyfarchion O Cymru

As I told you before, I was so lucky we had the opportunity in elementary school to travel to the United Kingdom every year. In April 2003 we made a trip to Wales and some of the bordering Western cities of England.
The capital of Wales is Cardiff.

Wales also has it's own language, the Welsh, the national symbol is the daffodil and the red dragon (Y Draig Goch) that is depicted on the flag of Wales. There are the things, that you can see everywhere, they are ubiquitous. 
Welsh names and words catch your attention with the lot of 'l', 'y' and 'w'. Cymru is the name of the country.

On the flag is the red dragon with two horizontal bands in the background: a white and green, the colours of the Tudor dinasty.

An interesting thing is that the red dragon, just like the Irish harp (for Northern Ireland) are not represented in UK's flag, the Union Jack.

The patron saint of Wales is Saint David.

Greetings from Wales in Welsh
Snowdon, the highest mountain (1085 m)
Snowdonia National Park is a beautiful natural reserve with amazing landscapes.

Beijing Bird's Nest

The fish on the left are Chinese Sturgeons

Three days ago I received my very first postcard from China and I love it.
It's the Beijing Bird's Nest Stadium constructed for the 2008 Summer Olympics.

Scanning through the information on the stadium, I found that the Herzog & De Meuron architecture firm designed it with the collaboration of the Chinese artist, Ai WeiWei.

The stadium's capacity ranges from 80 000 - 90 000, so it's enormous.

From: Postcrossing direct swap
Date: 4 November 2014

2014. november 6., csütörtök

Ho chiuso baracca e burattini...

A lovely card from the beautiful Italian island, Sardinia.
One of my Italian friends said it has the most beautiful beaches in the country, these pictures truly support his claims. I wish to travel there once.

The writing is a kind of saying and it means: I leave everything and I don't even want to think about it... It's time for a vacation in Sardinia.

From: T. A.
Date: July 2005

2014. november 5., szerda

Winter Makó

Snow covered Makó
My relatives are from this little southeastern town Makó which is near to the Romanian and the Serbian border. The town is famous for onion and garlic growing, essential ingredients of the Hungarian cuisine.

From: D. É.
Date: September 2004

Complaints from Costa Blanca

Once upon a time there was the peseta

I think this is my first postcard ever that a friend sent me from abroad, I received it in August 2001, when we were only 11 years old.

A beautiful coastal view of Fustera, a beach in the Alicante region of Spain.

The funny thing is what my friend wrote me on the card: so much nonsense that a kid can write to a friend, like 'I have some complaints but there's not enough space to write them down' Who can have problems in a beach like that?! :D

From: H. Á.

2014. november 4., kedd


So this is Siófok the biggest city of the south shore of Balaton.
These days it's famous as the 'party city' that obscures the city's historical features. Several Hungarian writers of the early 20th century came to spend their vacations in Siófok such as Mór Jókai, Gyula Krúdy and Frigyes Karinthy. The music composer, Imre Kálmán was born in Siófok, the family's house is functioning now as a museum dedicated to the life and work of Kálmán.

The watertower was built in 1912 and was restored in the centennial year 2012.